Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome to the first Spoonfingers blog post!

Hopefully the first of many, but who knows? I might never be arsed to post again. Who knows?

So I have been trying out some songs we created at all kinds of dark corners of the Internet, and we've had some really nice feedback. I have always liked writing music but mostly kept it to myself and friends. The idea that anyone else on this planet likes something I have created is just amazing really and I have decided I would like to try and take this as far as i possibly can. 

As I have shared tracks on reddit, or fresh on the net it has become apparent how quickly we have to have some sort of cohesive web presence. This project only really started in October last year and initially i treated it as a bit of an in joke. The plan was to steal a friend's identity and turn her into some sort of web based musical phenomenem using voice recordings from WhatsApp messages and “deepfake” technology. The whole thing would be a comment on how real anything is in 2023.   

The problem with that is 

a) i am a rubbish liar,

b) explaining the whole thing to anyone made it sound soo soooo creepy.

So instead I have an awesome bandmate and we are a duo. I have the power to make her sing and dance and say all kinds of stupid stuff. I promise I will use this power for the greater good of mankind.

And that is all i have to say today. Hopefully i will come back again some time in the future to ramble on about something else. Until then have some choons.

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